Monday, April 30, 2012

Raisin Bread vs. Raisin Brick

For some reason, I woke up yesterday, and I had to bake raisin bread. One summer during college, I decided that I would learn to bake bread. I made a new loaf everyday - raisin, dill, sourdough, soda - I probably put on 15 pounds that summer.  Clearly a little LSD bubble popped in my brain, and the need to bake bread overwhelmed me all over again. 

So, I turned to my handy pinterest and searched for raisin bread. There were a decent amount of choices, and there was something about this photo that called my name. Or maybe it was the pat of butter on that nice shinny knife, that called my name.

I would say this was an overall success.  Although, mine was a bit more of a brick than hers.  I think that I would have proofed the yeast before I added it with the other ingredients, giving it a nice head start for 10 minutes or so. I did let is rise quite a bit, but as you can see, mine is a bit more solid.

Also turns out that kneading in raisins - super hard work!  This bed rest momma had to take a few breaks.

As I took this photo, my friend laughed and said that I need to style it better.  Upon second look, I also need to get myself some new cutting boards. And before I take a photo, I should get all the crap off of the counter. 

Here is my "styled" shot . . . one half of a brick, elegantly balancing on another half of a brick.  Cut me off a piece, stick it in the toaster, add some butter, and color me happy.


  1. Re: Kneading in raisins. My mom, who used to make the most delicious raisin bread on earth when she still ate normal food, used to roll out the dough, sprinkle the cinnamon, sugar, and raisins on it, and roll it up. Much easier than kneading in the raisins and might keep it from bricking up, too. Now I want to make raisin bread!

  2. As much as I would love to make raisin bread, Tony eschews dried fruit, calling all varieties "fnerts," although I could use the sprinkle-on rather than the knead-in method, making it easier for him to ferret the raisins out and remove them. A plus — I get to eat the discards.

    Loving the blog.
